Advent 2024

Advent 2024

Advent Study 2024
Join us after Sunday morning worship to discuss Pastor Sam’s Advent message.  Bill Rust will facilitate.  We’ll gather in the church Library (Wesley Center, ground floor) at 11:30AM and by Zoom.
Click here to join via Zoom!

Pastor Sam’s Advent sermon series will invite you to experience the Christmas story this year through a different lens. While the words of the Christmas story are the same from year to year, a changed perspective changes the story for us.  Pastor Sam will invite us to see the same story differently. A parallax effect!

A “parallax effect”? What is it? What does it mean for you, us, our faith, and Advent?  Check it out! Then come and see!

Prepare: Join a Group or Form Your Own

Groups will meet weekly for Advent study that tracks and prepares us for Pastor Sam’s upcoming Advent sermons on December 1, 8, 15 and 22.

Pastor Sam has prepared a weekly discussion guide here for all study leaders and participants.  He is grounding his sermon messages on acclaimed United Methodist Pastor Adam Hamilton’s book, INCARNATION, Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas.  Having this fine book and studying it along the way will enhance your Advent Study experience and better prepare you for Pastor Sam’s sermon messages. 

So join a group or gather with friends and start your own group.  Groups can meet on the church campus, off-campus (like a coffee shop or home), in person or on Zoom, daytime or evening.

Want help finding a group that’s right for you? Talk with Pastor Sam,

Get the Book

You can buy the book here.