

Worship Begins at 10AM

Starting May 1, worship and Sunday School will begin at 10AM Pacific time. You’ve reached out to us, and we’ve been listening. Families with children would welcome a later start time on Sunday morning. Some members need a little extra time in the morning and look forward to being able to attend worship. #worship #srvumc

Update on Reopening

We continue to prepare so that we can safely reopen our church campus. We are so looking forward to that gradual process! We are tentatively looking at holding one outdoor service later in July. Those attending will be required to wear masks and social distance. We will continue to live stream services as well. Children’s Ministries will not open at this time. We are working with our Children’s Committee to make a safe plan for resuming Children’s classes.The Task Force for Re-Opening meets…

Caring Without Curing

Caring Without Curing Or, “Sometimes a Story Is Just a Story” By Lisa Jancarik One of the most important aspects of Stephen Ministry training is learning how to listen to a person without necessarily trying to fix a problem under discussion. Solving a problem for someone who welcomes the assistance can make you feel like a hero. But how have you felt when you started casually contributing a story to conversation only to have your audience interrupt with a prescribed…

Why You Should Never Ignore Your Feelings

“I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This” By Lisa Jancarik Ignoring how you feel about a situation, an event, or how someone treats you is ignoring some important internal signals. Remember how in Star Wars, main characters often said “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” before rushing into danger in the next scene? That feeling was dread, and it was Luke Skywalker’s first signal to himself that the Death Star was no moon. Emotions are not a sixth sense…

We’re Moving!

      Starting November 6th 2022, we will begin livestreaming worship via Church Online Platform instead of Facebook Live.  Using Facebook has been controversial, so we’ll be switching to a streaming platform specifically built for churches.  We want worship to be accessible to as many people as possible, so here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access Church Online Platform. Click here.  You will be taken to You will see a countdown timer showing when the next worship service is.…
Ukrainian Flag

Bishops Call for Peace in Ukraine

A pastoral letter from Bishop Alsted in light of the tragic events in Ukraine Bishop Christian Alsted, who serves in the Central Conference that consists of Nordic, Baltic and Eurasian countries, including Russia and Ukraine, is offering a profound pastoral word on the crisis in Ukraine. 

Alternative Gift Catalog

Give two gifts in one this Christmas with our Alternative Gift Catalog! This catalog offers 10 ministries that are making a difference locally and globally.  Simply fill out the form in the catalog, total your donation, and write one check payable to San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church.  Mail your form and your check or drop them off at the church office.  SRVUMC will send your donations to the ministries of your choice.  In order to have your gift cards…

A Message from Steve Elliott

Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, the wildfire buckets and tools we funded are the anchor donation of wildfire response supplies to the newest Cal-Nev Conference depot.  They were delivered to the Ukiah United Methodist Church on July 19th.  This is the fourth depot established around the state to stage supplies where they might be needed.  The other four depots are at churches in Pinole, Stockton and Sacramento (with one in the Sierras still in the works).These buckets include…

May Communion Offering

Wildfire Bucket Campaign Sadly, devastating wildfires have become the new reality in California.  Each occurrence seemingly more destructive.  This May Communion Offering is an opportunity to help. Our goal is to raise the money to fund and assemble 25 wildfire buckets to donate the California Nevada Annual Conference.  A bucket and the related tools costs about $110 each. During a wildfire response, our Church Conference Early Response Team provides these buckets to families at the Local Assistance Center or when…

Another Spiritual Practice

This week we add another spiritual practice to our Lenten Journey: giving.  Giving is an essential spiritual practice. In fact, Jesus talked more about giving of our money and our possessions than he spoke of worship, prayer, and Scripture study, combined.I invite you to practice the joy of giving by participating in our In Gratitude and Celebration ministry. Think of someone you want to thank and appreciate. Make a donation to SRVUMC form. You’ll have an option to add the name(s) of people you are appreciating and…

Living with Hope Sermon Series

Hello Everyone,   Join in worship as we begin a sermon series, Living with Hope. How do we live with hope in a time like this, and after a week like the one we had?The Hebrew word for hope, Tikyah, means expectation, and it also means a cord or rope. Tikvah is a rope we hang onto when the world seems out of control or when we don’t know how to make it through a difficult season in life. In worship we remember to hang on…
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