From the Pastor
Another Spiritual Practice
This week we add another spiritual practice to our Lenten Journey: giving. Giving is an essential spiritual practice. In fact, Jesus talked more about giving of our money and our possessions than he spoke of worship, prayer, and Scripture study, combined.I invite you to practice the joy of giving by participating in our In Gratitude and Celebration ministry. Think of someone you want to thank and appreciate. Make a donation to SRVUMC form. You’ll have an option to add the name(s) of people you are appreciating and…
Living with Hope Sermon Series
Hello Everyone, Join in worship as we begin a sermon series, Living with Hope. How do we live with hope in a time like this, and after a week like the one we had?The Hebrew word for hope, Tikyah, means expectation, and it also means a cord or rope. Tikvah is a rope we hang onto when the world seems out of control or when we don’t know how to make it through a difficult season in life. In worship we remember to hang on…
Christ is Risen, Indeed!
The very first Easter didn’t happen at a church. It happened outside an empty tomb, while all the disciples were sequestered at home, grief-stricken and wondering what was going on. In the Gospel of John we read, “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb.” We read those words, and expect Resurrection. Mary was not expecting Resurrection. Instead, she jumped…