'stephenministry' Tagged Posts
Caring Without Curing
Caring Without Curing Or, “Sometimes a Story Is Just a Story” By Lisa Jancarik One of the most important aspects of Stephen Ministry training is learning how to listen to a person without necessarily trying to fix a problem under discussion. Solving a problem for someone who welcomes the assistance can make you feel like a hero. But how have you felt when you started casually contributing a story to conversation only to have your audience interrupt with a prescribed…
Why You Should Never Ignore Your Feelings
“I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This” By Lisa Jancarik Ignoring how you feel about a situation, an event, or how someone treats you is ignoring some important internal signals. Remember how in Star Wars, main characters often said “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” before rushing into danger in the next scene? That feeling was dread, and it was Luke Skywalker’s first signal to himself that the Death Star was no moon. Emotions are not a sixth sense…