We continue to prepare so that we can safely reopen our church campus. We are so looking forward to that gradual process! We are tentatively looking at holding one outdoor service later in July. Those attending will be required to wear masks and social distance. We will continue to live stream services as well.
Children’s Ministries will not open at this time. We are working with our Children’s Committee to make a safe plan for resuming Children’s classes.
The Task Force for Re-Opening meets weekly, and in between meetings is working hard to meet the requirements set by the county, health officials and our United Methodist Conference. Details include: what process will we use to limit the number of folks who can attend a service? How will we set up one, and only one, entrance to the campus? Who will confirm all are wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Which bathrooms will be available, and properly cleaned? Where will hand sanitizing stations be placed? How will we confirm that those joining in worship are healthy? What system will we have in place for knowing who attended, in case contact tracing is needed?
Before we can open, we have to write down how we will address all these issues, and get approval from our Northern California-Nevada United Methodist Conference.
We are also paying attention to how many new cases of COVID19 occur in our area as restaurants and stores re-open. Our goals in all of this are: to do no harm; create and sustain authentic faith communities; serve the most vulnerable around us. Please be patient as we make sure all safety measures are in place. We will keep you updated. Feel free to contact Pastor Kim or the church office with your questions and input.
Our main concern is offering a safe place for meaningful worship.
Christ is Risen, Indeed!
Campus Update