Women’s Retreat
January 31-February 2, 2025
Villa Maria del Mar – Santa Cruz
“Eyes for Awe”
Led by Pastor Jennifer Goto (in-person)
“Simple Beauty can be a counterweight to a heavy world. We will look at and explore recent research in the field of ‘awe’ and its importance in our lives. And we’ll give a special focus on the ways we can find beauty that leads us to hope and connection with God and others – rather than to despair.”
Registration begins online November 3, 2024 and in-person November 3 and 17 in Wesley Center after worship. (Watch this space for the registration link) Registration forms can be found in the narthex by November 3. The retreat begins with dinner on Friday, January 31 and concludes with lunch on Sunday, February 2. The rates for 2025: $355 each for a double room and $445 for a single room. Only one form is needed for double, if roommate is known.
We hope you’ll join us!
Contact Linda Albertoni Engman (albo3fam@gmail.com) or Linda Jimerson (lindajimerson45@gmail.com) with questions.