About Our Church.

We are a loving community of imperfect people that gathers together to experience the perfect love of God through Jesus Christ. We try our best to live out our three core values: Inclusion, Inspiration, and Impact.

About Our Pastor.

Pastor Sam Yun, or P. Sam, as many people call him, has been an ordained pastor in The United Methodist Church for thirty years. He is passionate about helping people experience a life with God and a life in community that offers blessing and direction for everyday life. He is married to Sun Hee who is also a United Methodist pastor and together are blessed with three adult sons, Philip, Evan, and Kevin. Apart from the joy of ministry, P. Sam loves to spend most of his time with his family, out fishing at his favorite local lakes, eating good food, and binge watching K-dramas on Netflix. His core theological conviction is that God’s love is available to all, no matter what, no matter where, and that God’s grace is constantly working in our broken lives to lead us to a place of wholeness and peace. As an unapologetically optimistic person of faith, P. Sam holds on to the hope that the best is yet to come.

Our Values

Our Vision is to pursue a life with God and a life with each other by following Jesus, thriving in community, and healing the world.

Our values are rooted in the Great Commandment found in Matthew 22:37-40 that calls us to love God and love our neighbors and in the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20 to go out into the world to make disciples.


We welcome seekers and doubters, friends and strangers, those with labels and those without. Simply put, we welcome all.


We invite the Spirit of God to touch our hearts and transform our lives. We believe that life with God is better than life without God.


We reach out to make a measurable difference wherever and whenever we can. We take seriously Jesus' command to love our neighbors.

A group of people holding candles in their hands.

Statement of inclusion.

We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is unconditionally accepting, actively loving, and intentionally inclusive of all people regardless of race, ethnicity, age, economic status, relational status, faith history, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. We welcome and embrace all, including those who have formerly been excluded from the house of God. Our hearts, our minds, and our doors are open to all who want to share the love of Jesus Christ while pursuing a life with God and a life with each other.

Whoever you may be and wherever you may be on your spiritual journey, you can find welcome and belonging at San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church.

Our Connections.

Reconciling Ministries Network

Reconciling Ministries Network, as part of a growing justice movement in The United Methodist Church and beyond, humbly stands on the shoulders of saints who have labored for the liberation and healing of all oppressed people. In the midst of continuing challenges that seek to separate LGBTQ+ persons and their loved ones from full communion with the Body of Christ, RMN draws from the Wesleyan understanding of God’s grace that embraces all of creation and seeks its restoration and perfection in love. In this spirit, we offer this theological statement as a guide and inspiration to fulfill our prophetic call.

The United Methodist Church

The United Methodist Church denomination connects more than 12 million members on four continents, and engages in ministry all around the world. We speak many languages, come from various cultures, and span generations. Yet, we are united in our faith in Jesus Christ and rooted in Wesleyan Theology that emphasizes scripture, tradition, experience, and reason. What makes The United Methodist Church unique is its balance of personal piety and social holiness.

Meet Our Team

To contact our staff, please email info@srvumc.org or call (925) 837-5243

Justin Byers
Youth Ministry Intern
Michelle Cooke
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Priya Gupta
Lead Accountant
Katie Hawk
Music Ministry Intern
Sam Hawk
Facilities Manager & Director of A/V
Karen Hernandez
Director of NextGen Ministry
Jeff Howe
Director of Music Ministry
Nadia Koliha
Organist and Pianist
Patsy Kyles
Executive Assistant to the Pastor
Susan Madden
Accounts Payable & Payroll Specialist & Facilities Support
Christine Pezza
Preschool Director
Laura Roy
Office & HR Manager
Sarah Stribling
Director of Communications
Sam Yun
Senior Pastor

Get Involved at SRVUMC.

We would love to share with you more about how you can get connected and plugged in at San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church.

Community Resources.

San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church offers two great ministries to the wider community of the Tri-Valley area: our United Methodist Preschool and our Activity Recreation Center.