

How we Give

Give. Be Part of What God is Doing.

Through the SRVUMC Website (By PC or Mac)

Support San Ramon Valley UMC with simple and secure online giving. Click the button below to make a one-time donation or to arrange a weekly or monthly offering using your checking account or credit card. You can direct your donation to the General Operating Fund or select another option from a menu of active funds within SRVUMC.

Memorial Contribution to Endowment Fund

Honor a loved one by making a donation to the SRVUMC Endowment Fund.
Step 1. Click the “Memorial Contribution to Endowment Fund Form” button below to fill out a form prior to making a donation.

Step 2. To pay by check, write a check payable to San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church with Endowment fund noted on memo line and mailed to church office, attention Accounts Receivable.
To pay electronically, click the button below.

By QR Code (General Operating Fund)

QR Code for Church Center Giving

By QR Code (Special Missions Offering)

By U.S. Postal Service

Send a check to SRVUMC, 902 Danville Blvd, Alamo, CA 94507-2420. Please specify in the memo line if you have a particular fund you wish to support.

By Bank Check

Use your bank’s automated bill pay feature to set up scheduled donations.

By Text

  1. Text any dollar amount to 84321 to give.
  2. You will be sent a link that guides you through the quick and easy setup process.
  3. By default, your donation will go towards the General Operating Fund unless you specify the fund from the list below. Type the amount (number only, NO decimals), insert space, followed by the SINGLE word for the fund you choose.
    Example: 100 General
  4. You can choose to give to the following funds:
    General – donate to general operating fund
    Pledge – to make a donation towards your current year pledge. (Only use this if you have filled out a pledge campaign card)
    Special Missions Offering – donate to causes that transform lives
    Endowment – donate to endowment fund
  5. Send! Once you go through the initial setup, giving is as easy as sending a text message!

Need More Help?

Contact or the church office.