Hybrid Small Groups

Hybrid Small Groups

LIFT LogoLIFT (Learning, Living, Loving in Faith Together)
Thursdays, 9:45 – 11:15 AM or Sundays, 5:00 – 6:30 PM in the Fireside Room and on Zoom.
This women-only group grow closer to God and each other through Bible study, book studies, local mission trips and more!

Click here to request to join the Thursday group or here to request to join the Sunday group.

Taking the Sermon Into the WorldTaking the Sermon Into the World
Sundays, 11:30AM-12:15PM in the church library and on Zoom.

We’ll talk about what we will commit to do – ourselves, our family and friends, encourage our church – as a result of what we’ve heard in the scripture, sermon, music, or another part of the day’s worship service. 

Click here to join the group!



Small Groups that physically meet at our church campus.


Small Groups that only meet online.