Children & Family

Children & Family

Children's Ministry

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Sunday School

Nursery through 5th Grade

  • All children gather in the sanctuary at 10AM for a special Children’s Message before going to Sunday School.

Music Makers

Music MakersChildren in grades 1 – 4 will meet on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30PM to sing, play rhythm instruments, and make our own. Led by Norma Jean Bunker and Nancy Amini.

Students in grades 5 through middle school will meet at the same time to learn to play handbells and read music. Led by Winnie Stribling and Katie Hawk.

Contact Winnie Stribling for more information.


Sunday WorshipAcolytes serve at our 10AM service. Acolytes are responsible for bringing the Light of Christ into worship and carrying the Light of Christ back out into the world. Acolyte training is held every fall and 2nd – 6th graders are eligible. 

United Methodist Preschool

Learn more Enroll your child in United Methodist Preschool!about the United Methodist Preschool, located on our campus.